quarta-feira, janeiro 30, 2008

Homenagem a Heath Ledger

Uma semana após a morte do actor Heath Ledger, muito se tem especulado e comentado sobre o tema.

Ainda assim, o Cinema no Mundo decidiu apenas noticiar o facto de se ter perdido um dos talentos mais promissores do panorama cinematográfico actual. Apesar de jovem, Heath possuia já uma carreira diversificada e cheia de sucessos, tendo merecido uma nomeação para os Oscars da Academia (pela sua interpretação em "Brokeback Mountain").

Surge agora um tributo prestado ao actor pelo último realizador com quem trabalhou - Christpher Nolan, que o dirigiu em "The Dark Knight".

Citaremos apenas alguns excertos de um artigo que recorda Heath Ledger pelo seu trabalho, pela sua dedicação e pelo seu imenso talento. Porque é assim que o devemos recordar.

«Heath was bursting with creativity. It was in his every gesture. He once told me that he liked to wait between jobs until he was creatively hungry. Until he needed it again. He brought that attitude to our set every day. There aren't many actors who can make you feel ashamed of how often you complain about doing the best job in the world. Heath was one of them.

When you get into the edit suite after shooting a movie, you feel a responsibility to an actor who has trusted you, and Heath gave us everything. As we started my cut, I would wonder about each take we chose, each trim we made. I would visualize the screening where we'd have to show him the finished film—sitting three or four rows behind him, watching the movements of his head for clues to what he was thinking about what we'd done with all that he'd given us. Now that screening will never be real. I see him every day in my edit suite. I study his face, his voice. And I miss him terribly.»

Para consultar o artigo inteiro, veja o seguinte link:

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